The overall aim of this Symposium is to equip Catholic men and women to transform the culture with the Gospel of Life and Love, as we study and pray together and reach out to those around us.
Goals for the Symposium
1) Theological Excellence – Through excellent teaching and personal study participants will deepen their understanding of the key concepts of the Theology of the Body and its life changing message.
2) Transformation of Our Hearts and Minds – We cannot give what we do not have. So, each day we will allow Jesus to touch and change us, to free and heal us, as we gather in prayer and friendship, as the body of Christ.
3) Practical Application – Through workshops, discussion groups and outreach opportunities we will be better equipped to respond more effectively to the many challenges surrounding human identity and sexuality that we are faced with in our culture.
When will it be? The symposium starts on the evening of Wednesday, 13 January 2016, with a keynote address by Christopher West. It will end late afternoon on Sunday, 18 January 2016.
Want to know more about what to expect?
A typical day at the symposium is outlined below. It combines solid teaching and formation, informative and practical workshops, social time, outreach and prayer.
A Sample Day
7:00 Breakfast
8.30 Morning Prayer and Adoration
9.30 Theology of the Body Lecture
11.00 Networking and Coffee Break
11.30 Small Group Discussion or Presentation Work
12.30 Break
12.45 Holy Mass
13.15 Lunch and Social Time
14.15 Workshop Sessions
15.30 Networking and Coffee Break
16.00 Theology of the Body Lecture
17.30 Adoration
18.15 Supper
19.30 Evening Event (including Nightfever; Healing Service with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal; Social Evening)
Workshop topics include:
- The Challenge of Chaste Love for Men
- The Challenge of Chaste Love for Women
- Sexual Desire
- Natural Fertility Awareness vs. Contraception
- Theology of the Body and the Interior Life
- Healing and Humanae Vitae
- NaProTechnology vs. In Vitro Fertilisation
- Dating and the Single Life
- Testimonies